A DIY Crispin construction kit!
Somehow, I think Horatio had a harder time of it!
January 11, 2015
A DIY Crispin construction kit!
Somehow, I think Horatio had a harder time of it!
January 2, 2015
Surprisingly, both James (Primordia‘s coder) and Vic (Primordia‘s artist) worked on games in the current Monthly AGS Contest. While the contest site isn’t live, both games are available. James created the platformer Until I Have You and Vic did portrait art for the point-and-click adventure All the Way Down. The latter game was largely made (programming, writing, and voice over) by Steven Poulton, the voice of Ever-Faithful in Primordia and the coder on the doomed Cloudscape. In short, it’s quite the internecine competition. (I sat it out, other than playing them both.)
The games are very different, of course, and both are great, especially for projects made in a month. Give the constraints, they obviously have some rough spots, but I heartily recommend at least checking them out.
December 20, 2014
“Fallen” is now available as a German PDF, based on Hans Duschl’s recorded translation.
December 19, 2014
December 5, 2014
50% off on GOG.com.
November 26, 2014
After vast labor, the Primordia patch is going live now, along with Steam cards. French translation soon(ish) to follow.
November 15, 2014
In light of the conquest of PrimordiaGame.com, we’ve registered and settled into Primordia-Game.com. What a world.
November 4, 2014
Alas, PrimordiaGame.com appears gone forever: there was a re-registration period, but that passed, and it is now well and thoroughly cybersquatted. Note to self: always be the one to register sites in the future.
October 16, 2014
The “Fallen” files are back online. Hopefully we can restore PrimordiaGame.com itself at some point!
October 10, 2014
I’m aware that, unfortunately, the main Primordia website (which is also where “Fallen” was hosted) is down. It seems that the registration, which I never had, lapsed, letting the site get squatted. It’s unlikely that I’ll ever be able to get the site active again, so I’m planning on just hosting the “Fallen” material elsewhere — it’s just a matter of me taking a few minutes to figure out how to do that.