Latest News : Remembering Joe Dever

Primordia Upgraded

We are delighted to release what we hope will be our last substantive update to Primordia (we may release future hotfixes if bugs are found). This patch was made possible only through the tireless efforts of French, German, and Spanish translators, a dedicate group of testers, and the labors of our coder, James Spanos, who shares the spirit of no game left behind! But the motivating force behind it was the ongoing love and support our players have shown for this game over the years — your loyalty to Primordia compels a return of that loyalty on our part.

Among the changes:

  • The underlying game engine is updated to a recent version that is much more compatible with today’s hardware (such as widescreen monitors and Logitech mice) and operating systems (such as Windows 10).
  • The French, German, and Spanish translations are now fully integrated into the game, and do not require separate downloads. Those translations have also been updated and improved in various ways.
  • Certain modest quality-of-life improvements, such as the ability to change between windowed and full-screen mode by using alt-enter.
  • An additional music track, which had been mistakenly deactivated, has been reactivated in an important scene.
  • A persistent crash relating to how the underlying game engine handled dynamic sprites has been fixed.

Various small fixes have been implemented to issues like sprites occasionally being misaligned by a pixel, or the years-long labeling oddity that could arise if players combined the sensor parts in an unusual order.

Unfortunately, old saved games will no longer work due to the significant engine-level changes and added content.

We’ve posted the new build on Steam and hope to follow on GOG shortly.